Incredible Events Coming Right Up!
Building Momentum For What God Is Doing In All 7 Mountains! This is a call to all seven mountains of influence to unite, strategize, network, encourage, and go! Let’s go after the new things from Heaven coming!
This third event in a series is also completely digital! Come join us as we explore how to Restore: Government / Economy to Heaven’s standards. God’s people have access to innovation and creativity the world has never seen before!
Our Most Popular Courses Today

Can you really learn online?
Many people feel that learning through online courses and events can never take the place of “in person” classes and events. Well, one thing is for sure, 2020 has taught us that we can do a LOT more digitally than we ever thought possible.
At the end of the day, you should ask yourself, what’s stopping you from becoming the best version of yourself, what do you need to do to take the next step into your assignment.