Mary Anne Hardiman /// What Role Does the Church Play in Our Independence

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What you'll learn

  • With GPS you need a starting point and an end point to reach your destination. We have to know where we’ve been to get to where we are going.
  • Paul Revere warned a pastor, Jonas Clark, “the British are coming” are you ready? “I’ve trained my people for this very hour”, Jonas said.
  • The preachers alerted the people to know what was happening.
  • Rev. Frederick Muhlenberg and his brother were a part of writing the Bill of Rights.
  • Details of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Their ages, whether they had families, and how they stood strong after they signed, many were killed.
  • The Americans had run out of wadding for their guns so James Caldwell ran into his church and tore pages out of the hymnals shouting, “Boy’s we are going to give them Watts!” Issac Watts was the author of many great hymns.


  • The Bible
  • Desire to learn about something amazing
  • Willingness to invest in yourself for 1 hour. 


It is rare these days to hear History being taught with Christains as a part of the storyline. Many of our history books have been rewritten to exclude “His – story” from our history. It is vital that we know where we started and how we get to where we are going. Mary Anne Hardiman loves history and has made it come alive with the wonderful way she retells the events that formed and shaped this country. These important men and women who stood, fought, and died for truth and freedom are where we come from! Their legacy lives on in us.

The roots of our country are strong, living, and worth preserving and protecting! Come join us as Mary Anne shares what role the church played in the formation of our country and in our independence. 

 Topics Covered:

  • What is our stance in current culture?
  • The Black Robed Regiment
  • Signers of the Declaration
  • One Man’s Action & How That Affects Another
  • Cometh the hour Cometh the Man


What this course is for

  • Anyone interested in studying the churches role in our independence.
  • Students who wish to dig deeper into what our true history.
  • Church leaders who are wondering what are role is in today’s culture.
  • Believers with questions about where we come from and how God has a place for us in today’s culture.


Mary Anne Hardiman

Mary Anne has a passion to educate our nation about America’s true spiritual foundations. Previously a teacher at The Comenius School for Creative Leadership, Mary Anne is also the director of Morningstar’s Women’s Ministry, Shine. 

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About Instructor

Bobby Haaby

24 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons