JUST shot this little video for YOU in ROME!

Hey, it’s Chris here, and I just shot this video while vacationing for my 25th wedding anniversary in Italy!

I wanted to make sure you knew about this incredible offer to attend the GOD Designed Business workshop for only $100 (because you’re a CORE Identity Alum! normal price is $699)

WATCH THIS short video for you!

(make sure and read below what I forgot to mention in the video)

NOTE: I forgot to mention all the bonuses: CORE Identity Alumni get: $100 access, 2 free NEXUS Profile assessments ($218 value), Replay access, Access to a 2nd ticket for a friend, and a free coaching call with me after the workshop to really get your personalized strategy plan dialed in!

REGISTER HERE: https://www.kingdomlearning.life/god-designed-business-workshop-march-17th-18th-2023/

CODE:    alumnipass      

NOTE: YOU MUST USE CODE: alumnipass at checkout to receive the discount and bonuses!

I’ll be sending this same email via Kingdom Learning as well; I apologize in advance for the duplication, but I want to make sure you get it!

I wanted to personally let you know about something we have been working on for the last year regarding the CORE Identity assessment & workshops.

>>>> Before I do, though, make sure you read ALL the way to the end to see something extra I want to give you! <<<<

Over the last year, we heard the Lord speak into what we were doing with the CORE Identity assessment, workshops, and material. We heard clearly about some small but significant changes to the assessment itself and some MAJOR downloads and new revelations regarding the workshops.

So, we have spent hundreds of hours pouring over scripture, time with God, behavioral research, and our own experience… AND we are now excited to release…

The NEXUS Profile + GOD Designed Workshops! 

CORE Identity Assessment >> IS NOW >> The NEXUS Profile
CORE Identity Marriage >> IS NOW >> GOD Designed Marriage
CORE Identity Leadership >> IS NOW >> GOD Designed Leadership

And so on…

We couldn’t be MORE excited about everything God has been showing us, so, with this email, we are announcing the FIRST GOD-Designed Workshop!!

GOD Designed Business Workshop March 17th & 18th.

learn more here (USE CODE: alumnipass at checkout)

It will be incredible, and I wanted to personally let YOU know about it and invite you to attend. 

I also wanted to offer you the ability to attend this workshop (which is $499) for only $100. (Yep $400 off)

I’m not giving this access price to ANYONE except the alums of our past workshops.

GOD Designed Business March 17th & 18th will be available in person & online, but the in-person space is filling up fast.

You don’t want to miss this; trust me, there will be a ton of powerful new content, and the workshop has been extended to 2 full days to accommodate everything the Lord has been showing us!

Yea, and one more thing, as an alumnus, if you sign up before the weekend, I wanted to give you a couple of incredible bonuses! (ONLY for past alums)

BONUS 1 >> 2 free NEXUS Profiles (these are $109 each, so this alone is worth an additional $218)

BONUS 2 >> 1 free personal one-on-one coaching call with me after the workshop to optimize your implementation plan (you’ll be creating that during the workshop)

BONUS 3 >> Access for a business partner, friend, or spouse, for only $100 as well! (The ticket price is $499, so this is a $400 savings!

JUST the bonuses are worth over $1500!

I don’t have a ton of space in person left, and I don’t have a lot of slots left for the one on one calls, so I’m limiting this offer to this week only, but I wanted to make sure you knew about it.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly, you can reply to this email!

Thanks! I hope to see you there!

You can learn more and register here: 

NOTE: YOU MUST USE CODE: alumnipass at checkout to receive the discount and bonuses!

