Wow, what an incredible weekend! GOD SHOWED UP, and it was incredible!

Right after the workshop, I shot this video on my way home. Have a quick look:

I also wanted to let you know a couple of things.

First of all, REPLAY access! Some of you have pre-purchased replay access; you’ll be getting an email later this week with access info to the HD versions of all the sessions for long-term replay. If you didn’t pre-purchase, we’d be emailing out HOW to get access to those replay videos as well.

Registration for our next LIVE / Interactive / Small Group Mastermind for GOD Designed Alumni opens in 2 days; these typically fill up right away. I want to make sure everyone that just attended the GOD Designed Business workshop had an extra day to register before anyone else, so keep an eye on Tuesday for an email from me with that registration link!

In the next couple of days, I’ll also email you all with info on some amazing other events that are coming up, so keep an eye out for that!

OK! Love you guys; let me know if you have ANY questions!
