3 Ways To Attend!

JULY 12-14, 2023
(includes replay access)

JULY 12-14, 2023

HOST a HER VOICE Local Gathering At Your Home Or Church!


Her Voice Movement is a gathering of warrior women who are assigned to turn America back to God. There is an Esther movement of women on the earth to save a nation! Are you one of them? We’re looking for every woman to rise with us in prayer to fight for this nation and meet for a very important gathering in Portland, Oregon, July 12-14, 2023.

We also recognize that the men have a huge part to play in this war for our nation. Esther didn’t save her nation without a brave man, her cousin, Mordecai, who resolutely stood at the gate of the city and told her if she didn’t plead for her nation before the king, she would lose her own life and a whole nation. AND BECAUSE OF THIS, WE ARE A WOMEN’S MOVEMENT WITH MEN! That’s right, MEN – WE NEED YOU! Register for this event and get aligned with your critical role in the lives of these women. Men, the nation needs your strength.


We need every voice, every prayer, every person who is willing to JOIN THE FIGHT to see a revival in their city! We will see millions of salvations come out of this next move of God! 

God is already moving. Will you move with us and JOIN THE FIGHT?

What's included:

  • FULL access to our robust, interactive platform
  • FULL Replay Access
  • Breakout & Connection Opportunities
  • Interactive & DYNAMIC content created from the ground up with the Digital Attendee in Mind
  • Full access to Q&A & additional resources
  • Engage with believers ALL over the world in REALTIME together.


Jenny Donnelly

Founder, Tetelestai Ministries/Her Voice MVMT

Lou Engle

Lou Engle Ministries

Callie Gray

Pastor, Celebration of Life Church, Baytown, TX/Her Voice National Advisory Council

Lisa Bevere

Messenger International

Che Ahn

President & Founder, Harvest International Ministry

Lance Wallnau

Lance Learning Group

Patricia King

Patricia King Ministries

Nate & Christy Johnston

Everyday Revivalists

Cindy McGill

Freedom Lounge

Chris Overstreet

Compassion to Action

Phil & Dana Liberatore

Apostolic Business Leaders

Christine Baker

317 Ministries/Her Voice MVMT National Prayer Hub Director

And more! Including Clyde Lewis, Jonathan Russo, Phil & Dana Liberatore, Danny & Diane McDaniel, Dusty & Ann Hammock, Tamra Farah, Sam & Linda Caster, Roshanda Pratt, Todd & Cyndy Mooring, Audrey Hancock, and more to be announced soon!



Wednesday, July 12 – Friday, July 14

10:00-12:45 Morning Session
12:45-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-5:45 Afternoon Session
5:45-7:00 Dinner Break
7:00-10:00 Evening Session
(Wednesday-Lou Engle, Thursday-Lisa Bevere, Friday- John Bevere)

Sessions run all 3 days from 10am – 10pm starting Wednesday at 10am


This is NOT a zoom webinar.

We use state of the art technology paired with relevant speakers, with a purposeful and Holy Spirit led agenda to produce this incredible digital "summit" experience.