Eagle Mountain
start your journey
  • Full Access to Online Platform (Eagle Mountain eLearning Library
    • (100’s of training videos by global 7M leaders)
  • Annual Personal and regional strategy sessions
  • Training Zoom calls, LIVECAST and webinars
  • Annual summits
  • NEXUS Profile Assessment for yourself and 4 additional team members
  • Annual GOD Design Identity and Mobilization training

Empowering World Changers

Join our growing community of empowered reformer’s and revivalists who are releasing Heaven on Earth across all aspects of society.

You Belong Here
Our Kingdom Allies network partners with carefully selected Apostolic leaders to create a vibrant community of like mined reformers. Our mandate is to nurture relationships, provide resources for training and equipping, and offer access to powerful global leaders who are committed to instigating reform across all spheres of society.

Whether you are a thriving leader who is ready to step into your next level or you are a leader who sometimes feels isolated and under-equipped, we have created Kingdom Allies to offer not just vital resources, teaching, and support but also a community of fellow visionaries.

The objective is simple: to unite, inspire, and strengthen leaders to embody Kingdom culture, transforming their homes, businesses, and regions as we bring heaven to earth.
Ready To Get Started

Putting Apostolic Feet To Prophetic Hope

So many around the globe are feeling the excitement and expectation of how God is bringing reformation to His Church. A Jesus revolution has begun and the Body of Christ; the Ekklesia wants nothing more than to unite to lift up Jesus and to see His kingdom and glory released tangibly.

As an Apostolic Resource Center, we believe that the Church of Jesus has been empowered with a Great Commission to see our regions transformed with the love and power of God.

We have learned that reformation does not happen just by praying…or even by just developing divine relationships. Our prayers, decrees, and powerful connections were created for the purpose of making Jesus famous practically.

The Church of Jesus is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, with Jesus at the center. Prophets open up the Spirit realm. They teach us to hear Gods voice, and they keep us connected to the reality of heaven.

Apostles also prioritize heaven, but they will not allow us to do nothing with our many revelations. They are like General’s in the army of God who push us to “Put Apostolic Feet to Prophetic Hope”

Here at Eagle Mountain Apostolic Resource Center, we have made it our magnificent obsession to make Jesus our priority. We build relationships with intention because its time that the Church of Jesus, the Ekklesia, reach far beyond a man-centered experience and raise the watermark of Christianity to a level that the gates of hell cannot prevail against.  

Through our Kingdom Allies network, we have partnered with many global Apostolic leaders to build a thriving community for relationship, resources for training and equipping those you lead, and access to a host of leaders who are bringing reformation to the every sphere of society. From our learning platform, to our monthly and annual summits, to our training LIVECAST and webinars and Ekklesia Mobilization training, you can find a lot to encourage and empower your leadership in this new era.

We want to invite you to a strategic digital video conference call to help you and your team create Apostolic blueprints for the advancement of the kingdom in your region. Every region has a destiny and a God-Designed strategy. We will discuss the “How To’s” for building an Ekklesia and for releasing regional transformation, what healthy and powerful leadership looks like, how to use heavens narrative to create the culture of heaven in your organization, and connect you to a network of Apostolic leaders who are bringing kingdom transformation to their region and the nations God has given to them.