Isaiah 9:7 Digital Conference

(5 customer reviews)


Increasing God’s Government in Your City and Nation

God is doing NEW things in government. This is not a thought conference. This is an action conference. Be ready to IMPLEMENT these new things in your city and nation now. You will be equipped to have AUTHORITY in spiritual government and physical government. God is moving in government more than ever! Are you ready?

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  • Increasing God's Governemnt in your City and Nation

    Isaiah 9:7 Conference

    Isaiah 9:7 "His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of His ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make this happen."

OUR VISION: Increasing God’s government in your city and nation

OUR MISSION: Equipping apostolic teams in every city and nation

This is the first annual conference of the Isaiah 9:7 Movement. The vision is to increase God’s government in your city and nation. This is done through the organic development of apostolic groups/teams. Steve Wilson has written an in-depth textbook on biblical foundations for apostolic teams, and how spiritual government creates the structure and impact for physical government. A free-access link for this book is included in the purchase of the conference and access ends at the end of December. There is also a course on and that is an incredible resource in detailed development of apostolic teams including the biblical definition of “apostolic.” Steve Wilson is personally involved with 5 different apostolic teams on the city, state, and national levels.  He received four divine strategies at the 2019 Hub Nation and all four of those strategies have been implemented.  

Our desire is that people would walk away from this conference with:

  • An understanding of the need for God’s government to be established in every city and nation.
  • Our mission is to equip apostolic teams in every city and nation. To this end we have growing resources such as the conference, eCourse, textbook,, and upcoming app.
  • There are four divine strategies we will address in the conference which are laid out in the textbook. “Each of the first 12 chapters equip you in one area of knowledge you will need for your team.” The textbook is meant to go along with the conference and eCourse.
  • This is a pivotal and exciting time to be ascending the government mountain! This call is something everyone can participate in even if you are not specifically called to government. As a Christian it is essential that we partner with Christ, as it says in Isaiah 9:7 – “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice. From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”


Along with the purchase of this Conference you will receive access to the textbook until the end of the year.  Visit to see details of upcoming eCourses to train and equip apostolic teams!


 Friday December 3rd:
Session One: 1pm-4pm PDT(4pm-7pm EST)
Session Two: 5pm-7pm PDT (8pm-10pm EST)

Saturday December 4th:
Session Three: 8am – 12pm PDT (11am – 3pm EST)
Session Four: 1pm – 4pm PDT (4pm – 7pm EST)



In 2007, Dave founded Kingdom Investors.  KI is using its vast marketplace experience to teach Christian businesspeople to multiply their incomes and their influence to be part of a strategic vision to create the world’s first “Sheep Nations”, as portrayed by Jesus in Matthew 25. Dave teaches how he learnt to do, God’s will and God’s way. Dave went from  having no assets and $76,000 worth of debt, to owning a $100 million business in 2 yrs and 7 months. Dave and Merlene have been married for 37 years, they have 5 adult “children”, 9 grandchildren, and 1 great granddaughter. 


Dr. Wallnau is a strategist, futurist and compelling communicator. He has conducted training for the United Nations and spoken at Harvard, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the London School of Theology. With a thirty-year background consulting business and nonprofits, Lance’s students represent a global tapestry spanning governments, CEOs, entertainers, and entrepreneurs. He currently directs the Lance Learning Group, a strategic teaching and consulting company based in Dallas, Texas.


Prior to leading Isaiah 9:7, Steve was an adjunct faculty member at North Central University in Minneapolis MN. He is a Mayo Clinic Innovation Scholar and has a background in business and government. His business background includes small business and large corporations. His government background includes local small government and the US federal government. He has written three books. He has been married since 1985 to his wife Jeanne. They have two children and six grandchildren.


Dr. Gene Bailey is the host of Flashpoint, a program of the Victory Channel. FlashPoint focuses on pertinent issues currently facing America and delivers news and commentary under the anointing—encouraging evidence and hope that God is indeed working to bring about His plans and purposes during these turbulent times.

Dr. Bailey is currently serving as Executive Director for Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Executive Pastor at Eagle Mountain International Church in Ft Worth, Texas. Gene also fills the role of Executive Vice President of Kenneth Copeland Bible College and is also the instructor for Revival and Church History.



Since 2006, Dr. Melissa Brennan and her husband, Dr. Jarrod, have focused on care for the whole family.  In 1997, Dr. Melissa was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. After years of being on medications and suffering from complications (such as kidney disease, arthritis, sun sensitivity, butterfly rash, and extreme fatigue), she was motivated to find a more natural approach to treating her disease. She became a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2004 which started her on the road to a healthier, drug-free lifestyle. Today, Dr. Melissa’s lupus is in complete remission. She attributes her health to having a strong faith in God and utilizing Chiropractic, Acupuncture, a Whole Food Diet, Nutritional Supplements, and Faith-Based Brain-Wellness.


Hany is a master life and business success strategist, international conference speaker, and the CEO of Global Thrive Group, a research, training, and consulting company which equips business and political leaders to guide their companies and nations according to God’s blueprint. His 20 years of experience in dream interpretation and the prophetic ministry, coupled with his work and studies in Global Affairs and Reconciliation, have positioned Hany not only to provide strategic counsel to spiritual, political and business leaders around the world, but also to equip emerging world leaders to discover their divine purpose, break through limitations, increase their influence, and affect transformation in their lives, families, businesses, — even their nations. Four of Hany’s signature initiatives are the Global Leadership Symposium (Prague), the Global Thrive Index, the Dreams MasterClass and the Spiritual Intelligence Platform. Since 2014, he has initiated and facilitated two National Transformation movements in the EU. 


Denise is a graduate of Bowdoin College and the Georgetown University Law Center. Prior to starting her own public affairs consulting firm, she practiced law at K&L Gates; worked for a San Diego-based renewable energy company; and served as a presidential appointee at the White House and the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as a law clerk in the U.S. Senate. In 2016, Denise ran for Congress, and as a first-time candidate, earned the designation of an NRCC “Young Gun,” along with 43% of the vote in California’s 52nd Congressional District. Today, Denise serves as a strategic consultant to businesses, ministries and non-profits. She also writes and speaks regularly on topics ranging from politics to business, leadership, and faith, and recently completed a six-city tour with Propel Activate, a national faith-based conference focused on developing leadership skills in women. She has spoken on the main stage at CPAC, delivered keynote addresses, and written op-eds that have been published by political and faith-based media outlets. In 2017, she assisted her pastor, Miles McPherson of the Rock Church, in writing his acclaimed book, The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation. Most recently, Denise joined the Great Awakening Project; a revival and renewal movement of faith-based leaders focused on transforming culture through God’s power, wisdom and truth.


Ford Taylor is a leadership solutions trainer, strategist and speaker. With a primary emphasis on the people that serve an organization while simultaneously maintaining a clear focus of the business or organization itself, Ford shares straight-forward practical solutions through authentic leadership training and individualized leadership consulting. With an empathetic intelligence derived from decades of experience with an array of people, personalities and companies both large and small, Ford helps to both define and navigate leadership in the business culture of today. His trainings and talks are centered around removing constraints, equipping leaders and empowering people to become happy, successful, high performing individuals with healthy relationships both inside and outside of the workplace. Ford Taylor is the founder of FSH Strategy Consultants and Transformational Leadership. He is the author of Relactional Leadership and directs a charitable international effort to provide Transformational Leadership to emerging countries worldwide.


Dr. Wright has served 34 years in ministry and professional leadership. His experience includes: President & CEO at D. James Kennedy Ministries; President & COO at Salem Media Group; President & CEO at National Religious Broadcasters; CEO at D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship; and Senior Staff at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Frank is an Ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, a theologically and politically conservative Christian denomination. Having worked 24 years on Capitol Hill, Frank’s Board service includes: Salem Media Group; Evangelism Explosion; Coral Ridge Ministries Media; Knox Theological Seminary; and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Frank holds an earned doctorate (Ph.D.) in Business Administration (Finance) from Florida Atlantic University, where he also completed his Bachelors in International Business. His bride of 39 years is Ruth Sems Wright. They have three adult children and reside in Boca Raton, Florida.


“Pastor Dave” is a Midwest Transplant from the West Coast. He has been known to wear his sandals well into the near freezing temperatures! “Pdave” arrived in Savage, MN in 2012 with a desire to be used by God for this region to experience God’s blessing, grace, prosperity and presence. He loves teaching from the Bible. He enjoys the presence of God. He loves being part of the movement of God’s Kingdom. And, he loves people.




Marcus and Brittany started their journey together in 2012 when they got married and moved to Washington State where Marcus pursued a career in the Air Force.  After getting a glimpse of what a life in the special forces demanded, being deployed and then starting their young family, they developed a passion for family, placing core values at the forefront of their decision making. They were mentored by leading entrepreneurs in the Seattle area who helped them take steps toward getting out of the military and landing a corporate career in the Tech industry.  Marcus has been on the fast track and God has blessed them financially.  They have since moved back to Minnesota with their 4 kids and each day intentionally place structure in their life to pursue God, individually as a couple, and as a family.



Isaiah 9:7 was designed right from the beginning to be an incredible online experience.

Let’s face it. We are in an age where digital events are being pushed to the forefront. We know that digital is not typically as desirable as being in person where we are using all five senses to engage to the fullest extent. Yet here we are. Faced with change yet again in the form of an even more virtual world, we know that change can be rough. And we want to marry our conferences to change and smooth sailing and become the best of friends.  

Now, this is NOT just an in-person event with a camera in the back for the online people. Rather, we have designed an engaging experience where the online eCourse is the primary focus! Yes, that’s correct! You who are watching are just as vital as the in-person attendee.

Most events that have gone “online” offer an experience that is far from amazing and certainly not engaging. However, Isaiah 9:7 has been carefully crafted to offer an incredible engaging online experience. 

World-Class Experiences For Everyone

It’s super important to us that every experience regardless if you are in person or online is exceptional. 

We take great care to craft the experience “around” the content. This means not only listening to what the speakers are saying, but also the attendees, and most importantly the Holy Spirit. 

Of course this means that sometimes things will be a bit different; but we like it that way. As with most of our events, this event includes FULL replay access to all the content from the event as well as a fully LIVE and interactive experience DURING the event. 

Online Students & Attendees


Digital Attendees

Additional information

Attending (In-Person or Digital)

In Studio Pass SOLD OUT, Digital Access Pass ($69)

5 reviews for Isaiah 9:7 Digital Conference

  1. Benjamin Tan (verified owner)

    Never learned about our calling as Jesus’ hands & feet from the angle and perspective that this conference has taught in.

    I now am seeing how some people that I’ve been interacting with could be my 12. And I now know to actively pray for God to add numbers and strength to my apostolic team.

  2. MINDEE WOODWARD (verified owner)

    There was so much valuable information, I’m going to have to listen again and again.
    I feel like it was much more than an info conference. It was a put boots to the ground with marching orders type of conference. There’s much to do and we can!

  3. Lisa Parke (verified owner)

    Much needed insight and revelation for such a time as this! Can’t wait to pour over every detail in the recordings! Thank you so much for hosting this unique and timely conference!

  4. Pavel Plchot (verified owner)

    Thank you very much for all the effort and work for God´s kingdom it is so encouraging to see people who have served in different areas and listen to their stories and testimonies. It encourages me to do likewise in my context and responsibility in the Czech Republic. God bless you and thanks

  5. Trina Bosse (verified owner)

    This conference was very eye-opening. It presents a strategy to bring God’s influence into every area of life that is truly effective. Will be praying about how I can put these things into practice in my life. Thank you for putting this conference together!

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