Kat Kerr /// Revelation Reports – The Day of His Power & The Watcher Angels


Come join Kat Kerr as she share about the Day of His Power vs the Day of His Wrath. These valuable Revelation Reports will help you grow in your understanding of the time that we are in now and may answer some deep questions you’ve had about God’s character and nature or Biblical people, places, or things. Our desire is to help you grow in deeper intimacy with Jesus, the Father, and Holy Spirit so that you can understand how to partner with Him to do His will, His way on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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You are in for a wonderful treat! Kat Kerr brings revelation to the word of God in so many intriguing areas! “Satan is making a play to take over our country. He has chosen the worst time to take over! Why? Because we are free, the American people are free! He is trying to jump ahead of his appointed time. Satan has no power, no right, and no position to take over our country or this world.”

It is so important that we/the Body of Christ are ready on the day of God’s power. (Psalms 110:3) Learn how we have the mind of Christ and how to activate it! Be encouraged that “we have more power that Satan has in one little finger.” Satan is terrified that we will rule and reign in Christ with power and authority leading cultural change. He is trying to pull out every trick he can think of to keep our senses dull and minds deceived. Satan isn’t even trying to disguise his outright attack on the truth and has grossly overplayed his hand. People are waking up to the truth and are disgusted with evil. 

These Revelation Reports are extremely valuable in understanding strategy and key elements of Heaven culture. So that, we can grow in wisdom and understanding of who God is and who we are in Him. Once we understand the glorious nature of our Creator, Providor, and Father we will be able to operate with His mind on the Earth and shut the avenger’s mouth through the purity of our praise! (260 words)

What You'll Learn

  • Day of Power vs. Day of Wrath
  • We have more power than Satan has in his little finger.
  • “Pray that my people would be willing in the day of my power.” Psalm 110:3
  • Inside us is the power of God.
  • We have the mind of Christ, so ACTIVATE it.
  • Who the Watcher angels were and what they did.
  • What the Nephilim did or didn’t do in the days of Noah.
  • Why it took 120 years for Noah to build the ark.


Kat Kerr

Author / Speaker, Kat Kerr will challenge what you have believed about Heaven, the “other” dimension (spirit realm), this life, death and even eternity.  Since 1996 she has been ‘caught up’ by the Spirit of God and taken on amazing journeys into the Third Heaven as well as to Hell.  She lives and moves in the supernatural which gives her a detailed understanding of how God, His angels and even darkness operate today.  You will feel the manifest presence of God as she shares what it is like to stand before the living God in the Throne Room. The Father has given hard evidence in her Revealing Heaven series that proves Heaven truly exists and that you will live a literal life there.

She was raised in a large family which more closely resembled a tribe and whose primary focus was to love God and help others in need.  She has a generational heritage of holiness starting with her father and dating back to the 1800s.  Kat also worked in the business world for over 20 years developing skills in Design, Photography, Marketing and the Legal arena before being set apart to prepare for a ‘special’ assignment.  Now President of One Quest International; a for profit corporation God downloaded into her spirit for His purpose of releasing products into the marketplace that bring Heaven to earth and generate Kingdom finances. The Father has told her that the Body of Christ is about to produce entrepreneurs through Heaven’s witty ideas, inventions and within a Holy Spirit inspired entertainment industry, things that will shock this world and shift the current economy.  He has shown her that America has not yet seen its greatest days as He pours out His Spirit on all flesh!

She has continually pursued an intimate relationship with God and Jesus and they have caught her up and shown her profound mysteries in the Word and about God’s plans for this current earth.   These revelations will take you ‘out of the box’, empower you to walk in true authority as a Believer and become too ‘hot’ for hell to handle.  Darkness flees from her presence as she walks in obedience to the commission Christ gave her.  Get ready for impartations of the Father to propel you to manifest for Him in this Kingdom Age.

Kat lives in Florida with her husband of over 40 years, the Captain, various family members, several rescue cats and many angels.  For more info you can visit www.revealingheaven.com or email us at contactoqi @ revealingheaven.com


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